Clay Reynolds has contributed numerous journalistic features to both national and regional periodical and newspaper publications, some on assignment and some self-generated. His work in journalism is occasional and usually the result of a deliberate impulse or editorial request.
“Guide for Stage Management.” In‑house publication for Beaumont Community Players, 1981.
“Organizing a Community Theatre.” In‑house publication for Beaumont Community Players, 1982.
“The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.” [Radio adaptation of the original story by Stephen Crane] Broadcast on KVLU Radio, 30 November, 1982; KANU Radio, 24 January, 1987.
“Journalism in Tennessee.” [Radio adaptation of the original story by Mark Twain] Broadcast on KVLU Radio, 24 February, 1983.
“My First Date.” [Original short story] Broadcast on KVLU Radio, 17 December, 1983.
“Seventeen at Midnight” [Radio adaptation of the original story by Fred Coombs] Broadcast on KVLU Radio, 16‑17 March, 1984.
“Morning Edition Reviews.” A weekly broadcast on KVLU Radio January, 1985-August 1986.
“Public Support Bolsters LU Plea For Funds” [Guest Editorial]. Beaumont Enterprise. 1 March: 1987: B‑7.
“So You Want Someone to Look Over Your Work?” Golden Triangle Writer’s Guild Newsletter. (August 1987): 8.4
“News Items Lean Toward Absurd” [Guest Editorial]. Beaumont Enterprise. 19 June, 1987: B‑7.
“Airlines Play by New Rules: Additional Regulations Could Make Flying a Breeze” [Guest Editorial]. Beaumont Enterprise. 13 March, 1988: B‑11.
“First Lady Blues: Nancy Reagan’s Behavior Showed Lack of Class, Tact.” [Guest Editorial]. Beaumont Enterprise. 26 June, 1988: B‑9.
“Old Track Magic: Train to Estelline Recaptures the Romance of Travel by Railroad.” (Guest Feature). Fort Worth Star Telegram. 23 May, 1989: 4-1+.
“Texas Author Elmer Kelton to get Award.” (Guest Feature). Dallas Morning News. 30 September, 1990: J-7.
“Twain Novel is Anything but Racist.” (Guest Editorial). Dallas Morning News. 17 December, 1990: A-21.
“The Creative Writing Boom in Texas.” Focus on Texas. 16 (1990-1991): 6-7.
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game . . .: An Omnibus of New Books About Baseball.” (Guest Feature). San Antonio Express-News. 21 April, 1991: L-7.
“Books Target World War II Topics: New Books and Reprints About ‘The War.’“ (Guest Feature). San Antonio Express-News. 24 November, 1991: L-5.
“More to Publishing than Blockbusters: Arkansas Press Dedicated to Quality.” (Guest Feature). San Antonio Express-News. 19 January, 1992: N-5.
“Oscars Still a Man’s World.” (Guest Editorial). Dallas Morning News. 6 April, 1993: A-15.
“Some Baseball Books Hit, Some Strike Out: Season’s Crop Has Winners and Losers.” (Guest Feature) San Antonio Express-News. 11 April, 1993: K-5.
“Get Along, Little Short Stories: A Herd of New Fiction with Pleasing Results.” Fort Worth Star Telegram. 27 February, 1994: D-7.
“Baseball Fan Finds Hits, Misses in Spring Books.” San Antonio Express-News. 22 May, 1994: K-7.
“Thrills, Chills, Plus Love, Humor, and Court Drama: Three New Thrillers for Spring.” Dallas Morning News. 28 March, 1995: 2-C.
“Just Add Hot Water: A Hard-Boiled Killer or Two Can Beat the Heat Like Nothing Else.” Dallas Morning News. 20 August, 1995: J-8-9.
“Stock Show and Rodeo Thunders Into Fort Worth.” San Antonio Express-News. 7 January, 1996: K-1, 3.
“100 Years of Heroes: Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show.” Vernon Daily Record. 30 January, 1996: “Extra,” 1.
“Contemporary Writers’ Revelations About Bible in Their Lives Are Enlightening.” San Antonio Express-News. 20 April, 1996: B-10.
“Writing the Book on Texas: New Handbook Rates Well Despite Errors.” Houston Chronicle. 18 August, 1996: “Zest,” 23, 31.
“River Road Offers Twisting View of West Texas’ Beauty.” San Antonio Express-News. 4 May, 1997: K-8.
“Coke Deal Good for Kids.” Denton Record Chronicle. 7 January, 1998: A-7.
“Several Volumes Beautifully Detail the History of the Lone Star State.” Dallas MorningNews. 20 June: 1998: C-13.
“A Lady of the Nineties.” Over the Back Fence. Fall, 1998: 64.
“Opinion: Cowboys and Indians: What’s in a Name?” Current Diversions. 5.2 (1999): 8.
“Small Town Boy.” Over the Back Fence. Winter, 1998: 62.
“Anticipating Joy.” Over the Back Fence. Spring, 1999: 64.
“Generous Spirit.” Over the Back Fence. Summer, 1999: 68, 66.
“Maybe It’s Us.” Current Diversions. 5.5 (1999): 6.
“High Energy Lady.” Over the Back Fence. Fall, 1999: 64.
“City Must Address 288 Problem.” Denton Record Chronicle. 4 October, 1999: A-10.
“Cooking Up New Adventures: A Profile of Fred Griffith”; “Lorain County”; “Ethnic Eats.” Over the Back Fence. Fall, 1999: 7-11; 29-31; 32.
“Ten Top.” Dallas Morning News. 28 November, 1999: F-4.
“View From the Prairie: School Sports in Crisis.” Current Diversions. 6.1 (2000): 6, 21.
“Sewing Seeds of Creativity.” Over the Back Fence. Winter, 1999: 64.
“Good Humored Scribe.” Over the Back Fence. Spring 2000: 64.
“Flag-gel-ation: A Non-Issue Flapping in the Breeze.” Current Diversions. 6.3 (2000): 19-20.
“Tea Time on the Green: Or Double-Bogey at 8:00.” Current Diversions. 6.4 (2000): 11, 24.
“A Moving Writer.” Over the Back Fence. Summer 2000: 68.
“Texas Greats: Looking for Texas.” Dallas Morning News. 3 July, 2000: C-1.
“Gentle Giant.” Over the Back Fence. Fall 2000: 64.
“Series Are Old Hat to Texan, But This One’s Different.” Houston Chronicle. 30 June, 2002: “Zest,” 21, 31.
“Fore! Look Out for Unreasonable Expectations of Golfers.” Dallas Morning News. 2 December, 2004: B-8.
“The Twelve Circles of Christmas—Dante Style.” Dallas Morning News. 22 December, 2004: B-6.
“Far West Texas Loop.” Desert Candle. 3.11 (2006): 4-5, 30.
“Nickled and Dimed in Dallas.” Dallas Morning News. 15 January, 2009: B-10.
“Why SMU Press Should be Saved.” Dallas Morning News. 11 May, 2010: A-13.
“No Benefit, Bigger Risks: Campus Carry.” Dallas Morning News. 27 February, 2016: A-19.
“A Patriotic Hymn With a History.” Dallas Morning News. 8 September, 2016: A-13;—-and-not-a-good-one.ece
“’Mad’ Was Largely Nonsense, But It Was True: The Magazine, Which Ends a 67-Year Run in August, Changed America.” Dallas Morning News. 14 July, 2019: P-6;